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Understand Your Role In Ewaste Recycling

 Isn't it cheaper and easier to just throw that kitchen blender, mobile phone or TV out because it does not work as efficiently as before or you are bored of using it? The recent sale offers at your shopping mall or the online sales promotions are just too hard to resist buying a new one? In today's world, most people have a "replace-rather-than-repair" attitude which is chocking up the planet with Ewaste. These electronic gadgets leach toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic and other toxic chemicals into the soil bed and eventually to the water table.

How can YOU help to control Ewaste?

Each person on the planet plays a role in controlling the quantity of E-waste produced. It is possible to minimize E-waste and protect precious resources by abiding to the principle of the 3Rs - reduce, reuse, recycle .free of cost to pickup e waste their is  e waste companies in India available

e waste management companies in india


What could be the single most effective way to cut down on Ewaste is to reduce purchase of electronics.

Ask yourself: Do I need this or am I just seeking the latest gadget?

An environmentally responsible consumer would:

Resist upgrading to the latest electronic gadgets like mobile phones, laptops and other electronic devices.

Select sturdy and long-lasting electronics rather than disposable products

Get a new set top box to receive a digital TV signal rather than investing in a new digital TV.

Buy your electronic goods and home appliances from companies that demonstrate good corporate responsibility as well as have take-back schemes that guarantee that your discarded electronic equipment are recycled appropriately

Did attending a recent community Ewaste recycling event leave you feeling pleased about shipping off old mobile phones and computers to be recycled and e waste management companies in india? Think again, for all that waste would have only been shipped overseas to poison developing countries like China or India.


Enquire for competitive repair prices in Yellow Pages, or from people you know.

Sell your used electronic equipment that is in working condition through garage sales or stores or online portals that sell second-hand products.

Inform friends, charities and schools about your surplus electronic equipment to see if they have any use for it. Donate electronic equipment as much as possible.


Find an accredited electronic waste recycler that handles Ewaste properly and not ship it overseas. The Ewaste recycler should ensure that all end-of-life home and office electronics are recycled safely and responsibly to obtain reusable materials like metals, plastic, glass, etc. These elements should be used to manufacture new goods that use fewer resources and managing plastic waste management in india.

EWASTE RECYCLING is one of the fastest growing Ewaste recycling companies in Australia that will handle your electronic waste in an ethical and responsible manner. Ewaste Recycling provides quick and reliable E-waste recycling solutions for companies and homes. To know more, visit their website - https://cleantogreen.in/

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